Sunday, February 17, 2008

For Pam...

I got two new things this week that I am very fond of. First, I bought myself for Valentine's Day some adorable little black heels (on sale at Target, of course). Second, I got my much needed new camera and 85mm lens. Naturally, once I had taken the camera body and lens out of their boxes and reveled in the newness of them I had to take pictures of my new shoes. Then I took some pics of my beautiful girls too. Savai always seems to disappear when the girls and I are having our photo shoots. Of course, before I could even get my pictures loaded onto my computer and correct them in Photoshop Pam had to outdo me and take a picture of every single pair of her shoes and she has quite a collection. The weird thing is that Pam did not know what I had planned for my latest blog and I had no idea what she was doing. I guess our love of shoes has connected us psychically somehow.

Aren't they lovely?

Miss Amélie being coy. I know that she may appear to be unhappy right here but really she is just in model mode.
Dirty, holey tights - the true sign of a happy girl!

And let's not forget crazy Miss Milou. I think that this picture captures her essence perfectly. She usually is moving too fast to even see her adorable little face.

1 comment:

pam said...

you sweetie, thanks for the dedication! great minds totally think alike. your photos absolutely put mine to shame! i think i need a new camera and a photoshop lesson. you must have small feet because i couldn't find the size 7 in those cute shoes for the life of me.