Sunday, January 27, 2008

Baby names

Welcome everyone to my blog. This was one of my goals for the new year - we will see how it goes! My main purpose in doing this was to have a place to post fun photos that I take so that I will be more inspired to use my camera, even when someone isn't in a white gown next to a giant overpriced cake.

My first challenge, which was put to me by my friend Jess and which I have expanded, is for all of you (us) to come up with some good baby names that work with somewhat unique (read challenged) last names.

So, we are looking for baby names that work with Slag as a last name and now some that work with Piesnack (YumYum has already been taken).

Please let me know what you come up with. We are looking to create an entire database for these name-challenged couples wanting to start families.

In keeping with my original goal for this blog, here are some photos of my beautiful girls.

The light by the window was amazing so I had to torture them a little.

Somehow we always end up taking pictures in the bathroom. Ams and I had a little bain photo shoot the other night.

And, of course, what better way to pass time while waiting for Mémé and Aunt Sarah than a Barbie portrait session? (I am still new to this blogging thing and am going to have to work out the kinks in terms of uploading images. It doesn't seem to like my color corrected versions - so I apologize for the tiny size of these last three photos.)


Nice Girl said...

how do i become a team member?

Nice Girl said...

how about slick for Slag?

Liz said...

How about Bobby Slag or Lauren Slag? And Nathan Piesnack or Molly Piesnack?

Tiffy said...

I love these names, especially pippin and berry!
Thank you for your helps.

Tiffy said...

Can I post to your blog like jill?

pam said...

Parsifal Piesnack*
Sweetpea Piesnack
Simon Slag
Ruby Slag

*this would be cruel but it looks and sounds great

Unknown said...

Your photos are, like, poetic.

This doesn't follow well, but how about Cebaceous Slag? For either, or both (at the same time).

Unknown said...

how about lily slag? or as a friend just said, what about rosie? (for either)

Chieko, I love the photos!

jess said...

Love the blog, the thoughts, the pics! And, as the potential future mama of a Slag offspring, thank you all for these name suggestions! They are, um, diverse and wonderful. Definitely some winners in there. How will we ever decide??!! Maybe meeting the baby and trying out a few will help? Will keep you updated if/when the decision becomes a reality...

Chieko - did you always have Amelie (sorry, have never figured out how to insert an accent!) in mind, or was it impulse?