This did happen about a month ago but I know that you all wish you could have been there too to see Amélie tie her shoes all by herself for the first time (second actually but practically the same thing). Since you couldn't be there, I documented it for you! It was an exciting and momentous day for both of us.
I wish I had more to say but the combination of having to deal with a divorce that seems like it will never end, reading "A Reasonable Life" which, while it has some truly valuable lessons and makes a lot of valid points is actually quite a depressing book (unless you are able to find a group of your best, coolest, most resourceful friends who want to buy land with you and live self-sufficiently off of it), eating too many microwaved frozen mini corndogs (because of depression caused by above list), and then watching all of my netflix DVD of the L word in one fell swoop way too early in the evening - timing is everything when spending a Sunday night alone as you must plan the end of your TV viewing to coincide with the time you go to bed , otherwise you create a gap and then must find something to fill it with other than more mini corndogs - wow that run-on sentence went on for so long I don't even know where it was supposed to be going. I think mainly I have a case of the blahs leading to a lack of desire to write more which is probably a good thing judging by my last sentence.
Enjoy the photos of amazing Amélie and I'll try to perk up by the next time I post.