Friday, February 12, 2010


Hello All - I am in the process of moving my blog to wordpress so if you want to see what I am up to check it out here:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Epiphany - Better Late Than Never!

We celebrated Epiphany a couple of weeks ago in our usual French manner - not really caring much about the religious significance of the holiday - just enjoying eating something yummy! I made the traditional Galette des Rois and we put a bean in it this year since we couldn't find, and didn't really feel like looking for, the little baby figurine we usually use. I ended up getting the piece with the fève and was crowned Queen for the evening with the lovely crown that Amélie had constructed that afternoon. Epiphany is definitely one of my favorites. Easy, simple, fun and delicious cake!

Stay tuned for photos from our California trip. They are way overdue and I apologize for that.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A beautiful sunny November day

Amélie got out of school early today and we spent the afternoon on our porch in the magnificent sunlight. We read, almost napped (me, not Amélie), took photos of each other and traded glasses. Below is Amélie's photo of me.

Happy gobble gobble day eve!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween Eve!

We started out the day as Ms. Amelia Earhart for Historical Halloween at school. Amélie did an amazing job reading her report!

And ended the afternoon as a 49er cheerleader! I really do have such a versatile daughter. She can pull anything off and always looks adorable.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Amélie's b-day thank you card

Here is the thank you card we will be sending out shortly for all of Amélie's wonderful birthday gifts.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

new business card for web design business

Business card I designed for Angela and myself for our web design/building and social network marketing business that we are trying to get started. Website will be coming soon!